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(2 edits) (-2)

"there's no desire to be a single game author"
understandable, but also understand that until you finish any game, you're a zero-game author.
"my games are distributed 'for free'"
refer above, "zero-game author".. i appreciate free samples, but i only buy complete games, and my track history shows that clearly. once a game is completed i am more than happy to pay to own a full copy.
but in this genre, there is simply far too much risk in paying a cent for an unfinished game, and the track history of AVN authors also shows that clearly. there are literally dozens of games that i have played free samples of and would have liked to pre-order (cos thats what it is when you pay for an unfinished game) but, i would have been ripped off by those authors who have now either abandoned their games, or gone down the patreon-milking practice of endless "reworks" that barely change a thing and often take years to complete. want an example? have a look at the whole "sylphine" saga which has been in "rework" phase for 5 years now with zero new content released in that time..
your content is excellent, and you can certainly get a 5 star review from me, now, based on the content produced so far, but please keep the above in mind.
this genre has a dirty history of scammers, which affects all devs.


relax bro, my words are like reverse psychology, I saw your review and I respect you <3 THANKS <3
Anyway, I don't want/need your money and the dev's who screwed you for money is a separate topic for a couple hours of conversation
If I needed money rn, I'd come to your house.... (just kidding)

Because to be blunt - I really don't like it when players think that about me because of other dev's (I mostly don't care what anyone thinks of me as long as it doesn't involve my projects, because it's my brainchild, it's my responsibility to protect it :D)

You know.. it's like the first bitter relationship, when you get dumped by a girl and you start thinking about other girls like that.. very painful.........

But I'd love to hear your story in full, if it's not too much trouble, list all the games where dev's screwed you for money

lol your NPCs are spazzing out more than you did :D 
