Thanks for the quick patching.
i'm just more frustrated with finding the assassin. I honestly see no correlation between what James tells you and what investigating the ladies do. And like if I imprison or protect someone, wouldnt they be unavailable to spend the night with anyone else? But theres been plenty of times I ask someone what they were doing and they say they were with someone they couldnt have and were innocent. And sometimes they just dont murder anyone if they were left alone so I don't see what benefit imprisoning does.
James's clues aren't always very trustworthy, we wouldn't recommend relying on them alone to find the assassin since they might and might not point you to the correct group. Imprisoning/protecting someone apply only to the assassin's actions that night (e.g. imprisoning the assassin means they won't murder anyone that night, although the assassin might not murder anyone even if left alone), the daily alibis don't currently tie into that. However, we see how that might be confusing since the Prince specifically asks about the last night, we'll try to make it more clear. Thanks a lot for the feedback! -M