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I really like the game! Your PSX/N64 art direction was really good. You hit that styling very well, also the audio was really good too, really matched the style. The story was good, I am a sucker for PSX/N64 mascot horror. Your character design was super good really hit that videogame mascot look, looks like it could be real, reminds me somewhat of like Digimon. I will say I feel the camera movement might need work, as well I was not able to get the other ending because when I loaded my save it did not give me the other option again. I also got stuck on a jump in the city (but that might be because I am smooth brain). Overall, a realllly good game and world building, can't wait to see more! 


Thanks so much, I'm glad you liked my game! I'm an artist mostly, so aesthetics were one of the most important aspects for me; I'm surprised you liked the audio since I've never composed anything in my life haha. And yes, Digimon was one of my main inspirations for my character designs - I love that you were able to recognise it!

I apologise for the bugs you encountered. I was aware of the weaknesses surrounding the camera controls, but I'm not a strong programmer, so I went for a simpler method and didn't have time to try anything more advanced. If I work back into this I will look into this further. I see what you mean about the endings; that was an intentional choice but looking at your video I can understand why that would be an issue. I will be sure to change this as well.

Thanks again for playing and for providing your lovely video!

You're Welcome! I jsut loved the creativity and characters designs! Also as an artist with little programming knowledge wanting to do the same, it gives me a lot of motivation! I cant wait to see what you do next! <3