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apologies it’s been so long. I did manager to figure it out and I’ve played the whole game. And wow. Just wow. It’s truly and adventure of emotions. You have smashed this out of the park. I personally would love to see some sort of sequel or extension to the story tho I understand if this isn’t possible. But this story is brilliant. 

Also. Bradon is fit as. 

oh good deal. yay! glad you got it working. sorry about all the trouble. hopefully, that wasn't something on my end. And thank you very much for the kind words. glad you enjoyed the story and hopefully it was worth all the BS of getting it to work :p

braden def is a cutie

in terms of a sequel, nothing is planned right now. i'm working on the revamp as my priority right now then i'll see what's next :)

nah it was defo my end. I appreciate the help tho I did help. Just me being dopey. Defo was worth the wait. 

haha, well good deal. glad you got it working and i'm super glad it was worth all the trouble <3