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Can't add a screenshot but here's a copy/paste of the email anyway, just for context for anyone who didn't participate or missed it etc:

Queer Games Bundle <> May 31, 2024, 9:20 AM

Good morning,

We have good news and bad news. The good news is that we're ready to fill and finalize this year's Queer Games Bundle. But the bad news is that our usual process will not work this year, due to unforeseeable issues beyond our control. We're going to have to make the bundle the old fashioned way -- manually -- and now our time is a bit shortened.

We're planning to build this bundle tomorrow morning, and we'll need people to confirm within 24 hours after that time. Please think ahead and decide if you're able to respond in this timeframe. If you say yes but have plans, and then miss the window, you could jeopardize the bundle's launch, because bundles can't go live without every participant's approval.

You have until 9 a.m. central U.S. time tomorrow to respond to this email to respond to this email with a commitment that you will be able to approve your bundle entry within 24 hours. If you do not respond to this email within this time frame, we're sorry that we'll have to go ahead without you because of the situation.

This is a backup plan, and we're doing our best to include everyone we can.

Please respond to this email with: "I commit to approving my entry to the bundle within 24 hours" if you would like to participate.

Thank you,

Caroline and QGB team