Thank you, Denki. I saw from Katherine of Sky's videos how the option of stopping a whole team was set up. That will be convenient for many situations where the Player wants to manually control the team. I encourage you to also implement the "Shout" and "Repeat until Hear" commands so that stopping and restarting the teams could be automated based on the coding of the bots and not needing the Player's manual control.
I presume that it could be possible to create code that could be taught to bots to stop and restart a team based on some condition similar to some of the "Repeat until …" or "Repeat times …" conditions. That would probably be more complex programming for you than programming the "Shout" and "Repeat until Hear" commands.
I found that in the 21.2 version that I was able to set up several hundred bots to run their entire world by themselves and keep nearly all 100 folk extremely happy consistently, and at times all 100 were extremely happy.