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(2 edits) (+2)

sure, heres a very basic summary:

Basic attack: a long tentacle swing that has long range but slow wind up and endlag

Crouch attack: a tentacle spin that does multihit damage with small range for totem monster, but large knockback to keep distance

Up attack: a poison ball that makes an arcing rotation and is good for anti air

Air attack: a downward tentacle swing that stuns the opponent briefly while you are in the air

"Secret" attack: a ground pound that does heavy damage with a small shockwave (can be used by attacking in the air while holding down)

Ultimate attack: a black hole that can force your opponent into hitstun for about 4 seconds, letting you attack however you want.


dose eveyone have a screct attack?

(1 edit) (+2)

not everyone, but most characters have alternate versions of their moves that can be used with special inputs. Im actually making a full "unofficial guide" for this game with all the attacks in the game and how they work in combat. If you wish to know more secret moves feel free to look at older comments, as weenter does mention all of them and how to use them