Thanks! 1896 we’re talking… like Jesse James? Or the first American Football game? I advise you figure out what makes all the PCs the same (all outlaws? All college football players?), and make that a facet. Then figure out what distinguishes the PCs from one another (Former Pinktertons? Saloon Madame? Fugitive Trainrobber? Traveling “Dentist”? Former Rancher on a path of revenge?) and those can be some individual facets. Perhaps some gear facets (Trusty steed Tinfoil? Rusty Revolver? Bundle of Dynamite?), or some relationship facets (Deputy owes you a debt? Hunted by the Mormons? Popular trader with remnants of the Osage Tribe?)
If I were running a revolver-era action-adventure with SB, I’d forego too much fuss over ammunition and just call “running out” and “jams” possible consequences. Shooting a revolver at rifle-distance will probably have more challenge coins than shooting a rifle at rifle-distance, if you have PCs who want to specialize in either.
Personally, I’d have a lot of fun running a little faction game pitting local law, gangs, and unified demographics against each other over the course of the campaign. But that may better serve a longer campaign.