Bug: KPD goals for social welfare and labor seems to not be working properly (in the code it's += 1 instead of just = 1).
And if you return the economic democracy card it discards it.
Additional bug: If KPD blows up the coalition you still get to take all the ministerial positions if you get into the weimar coalition, did not test the grand coaltion.
In a game where I had done all of these before the coalition was started , none after, all of them I did one time only:
- Expand social welfare programs - failed
- Enact a land reform program. - success
- Start substantial nationalization of the economy. - failed
- Make taxes more progressive. - failed
- Support workers in labor disputes. - failed
- Reduce funding for the Reichswehr. - failed
In a game where I had done all of these after the coalition was started , none before, all of them I did one time only:
- Expand social welfare programs - success
- Enact a land reform program. - success
- Start substantial nationalization of the economy. - success
- Make taxes more progressive. - success
- Support workers in labor disputes. - success
- Reduce funding for the Reichswehr. - success
Additionally, if you succeed on every point and then get a KPD vote of no confidence the game thinks you failed their demands. And you can still shuffle ministers despite being in a government where all the ministers belong to the SPD (left front) and when you do shuffle the ministers you cannot see the agriculture minister.