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Absolutely 100% gotta be FloridaMan. that was the coolest hiker you couldve added, and how you guys referenced some of grays old videos, and the ever adorable spleens, was just awesome. i was smiling the whole time he played it. 

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi Hayleycakes2009!

To be honest with you, we laughed the whole time too. Gray's reaction was hilarious ! I hope you've enjoyed the game ! Floridaman is certainly one of the funniest route (well...even if you may die) :)


i thought it was pure genius on your guys part, and a nice way to say "thanks for playing the game on your channel!" to Gray. Yeah, i am a huge fan of this game, and im so excited you guys are taking feedback and wanting to continue adding onto it. i love like everything about it, how unique and different each hitchhiker is, the drivers backstory, the "meta"-ness of that one ending, its all so great. so much potential with this game i feel. then again i just love point and click games like this. thanks so much for the reply, im sure you guys are busy so it means a lot that you took the time to respond!