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This was really fun! I actually disagree with the people saying that the first platform should disappear later or the new one should appear sooner, I like only having one platform at a time, it's thematic and makes it challenging. However, I do wish the timing of the platform moving/being replaced was more consistent or predictable? It felt like sometimes I'd see the sparkles and the platform would move a few seconds later, and sometimes I'd see the sparkles and the platform would move in like a second or less. I died because I saw the sparkles, waited a second, then jumped over to the sparkles, then fell right through them to my death because the platform didn't appear lol. 

There's the "easy mode" where the platform movement is triggered if you jump on the next position.
I really didn't know if I wanted it or not. Maybe it should have been the default behaviors.

You are right there is a random part for the platform movement (and the fireball). But the platform fading should be consistent.

Thanks for your feedback.