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Saw the youtuber SugarPunch talk about this, and half way in I was sold. 
This system just seemed way to perfect to not get, i'll be running it before too long with friends of mine.


Also came here due to that video


when the mechanics speak for themselves that well how can you not?


Yeah, I was thinking this sounds fun.
Then he ran the fight, and I was like "Well, I am buying this right now!"


just order it on DriveThruRPG because I want the fisical copy

Exact same reason, even went and grabbed the hard cover with the PDF.  Can't wait for it to arrive and sink my teeth into it.

Given the games general lack of artwork I went for a paperback, hope you're getting fun out of it - my houserule: for Combat - Have a 'turn zero' where in initiative order players add their characters to the grid and choose an opening stance.  I think of it like the opening footsies in capcom fighters where players can move but not attack during "ROUND...1..."

Same here, his demonstration of the mechanics did a lot to sell me on it. I'll definitely be grabbing a physical copy.


Same, went to DTRPG to get a paperback physical alongside the PDF - only $4 more (and shipping) that way.

Also came here thanks to SugarPunch video. ^^