I'm gonna be real. I wanted some tilesets I could throw into Tiled to make easy maps for a tabletop RPG I'm about to run. I do this whenever I need assets, but this game needed a modern-era city and I didn't have any for that. The Liberated Pixel Cup and OpenGameArt are great for rural areas but, y'know. Anyway! I was gonna get that Humble Bundle what has a bunch of assets for $20, but then stumbled across this pack on Itch.
MFW paid someone $7 for hundreds of assets I can use for maps going forward. I am now linking this page to people in tabletop-centric Discords and telling them about Tiled because hey, where are you gonna find a better deal on maps? I got literally hundreds of assets, probably hundreds of SHEETS, for $7. (A bundle, and one asset pack.) Yeah, I know it's on sale, but even at full price, it's a phenomenal deal and an actual godsend for a lazy GM.