Bro, why the fuck do you think pirates whom got the game for free worked for money to actually pay for that shit, SHITS GOOD FR, and your delusional ass says ohh wahhh this shitty game with zero efforts to lore and gameplay, is superior to a game, who can train your aim, teach you game mechanics, and overall benefits other shooters and games with aiming controls. Each button press is instant and precise, you want sex? Ultrakill has it, check 2-s
You want something oddly specific, YOU. CAN. DO. IT. Ultrakill also allows you to make your own map, want a horror aspect? Change something wicked's model to however you like, in garden of banban however, I can't launch a cannon ball at high speeds and then explode it, few mechanics in garden of banban actually cooperate with each other, so my final words if you still think this game is shit, is to GET FUCKING GOOD.