The short answer is yes I'm still working on it. Expect a new build hopefully by the end of the month.
The long answer is...well I took a break for around 8 months. As I mentioned I started a job and had a hard time getting back into a solid work-life balance. I started back up again in late April, but still I probably won't be able to keep the same milestone pace I was while unemployed. I'm working the deck builder now and am mostly done with it. The current plan is to release a 0.7.1 that includes that and a lot of debugging from people who have dropped qa reports since then. I know the overworld in this build is pretty broken if nothing else. I hope to be done with that by the end of June, but you know how deadlines be. tbh I'm pretty confident I can make that, but I don't want to for-sure promise anything just in case. Unless something catastrophic happens I can't imagine how it could take longer than the end of July, certainly. If you don't hear from me by then you're free to be concerned.