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Finding those threads? I remember those, but as so much it might not be a definitve answer in those threads. Itch does not like to explain the inner workings and is opposed to search term optimisation and similar things.

So if you make a "devlog" with a "major update", just for the sake of it, without having new major content, it might not get approved. But that was the gist of it. Make a blog that is labelled a major update, and you might appear on recent again.

I would hope you can appear there without a blog post, since it would give a somewhat unfair advantage to people who blog a lot over the people that really update their content without making a buzz about it.

And if someone regularly deletes a page and re-creates it to appear in recent, itch staff might notice and might ban that account or remove publishing privileges or delist the author. That deletion-to-update thing should not be done for other reasons, but some people do it out of ignorance, and some really to try to game the system.


I understand now thank you a lot. If staff bans people that abuse this stuff thats cool. right thing to do after this just do what i am doing and read the guidelines again.