Overall, a very interesting game. I do have some grievances:
* When dressing her up, the mouse has to be over the actual image of the piece, clicking on the "empty space" of the square doesn't work for choosing - For instance, for waitress' shoes, the middle of the square doesn't highlight the piece
* Once you open the chest/clothes menu, you have to click the chest again to "close" the sidebar. If you don't, you can't interact with the movement menu. Took me a while to figure this
* After sleeping, the game shows a checkered image (no image?) before loading the background of the place you're in.
* If you visit the pagan monastery first, Raven acts as if she has already visited the first monastery
* After accepting "Holy Sister Raven", the option remains, which just replays the same conversation that opens the Sister Raven job
* Buying all pieces of the Domme outfit unlocks a "dungeon". Where?
* If you fail the first dungeon and try again immediately afterwards, the first fight will have the leftover HP of the fight you lost