I took a look at your game page. If it helps, you can try doing these things to see if your views and download stats improve:
1. The part where you mention that your game is a virus scares me quite a bit. 😨 Try making sure it's not potential malware first., maybe...? If it triggers virus warnings, it's not a good sign.
2. The title of your game seems to have a typo. First impressions always count in marketing, so it's pretty important to make sure we don't have a typo in our title!
3. Maybe update your game cover thumbnail to make it look more dynamic. Perhaps add the title to it in a very nice font? It would make the cover look more complete.
4. Your blurb may need work. Short and catchy usually works!
5. Try adding relevant tags to your game to make sure it can be found (e.g.: horror, puzzle). There's this thing about the average session only lasting a few seconds too - you may want to change that to reflect the actual time taken to complete a session of the game.
6. Try to identify the system requirements for the game and check that on the download zip file. These will help your game get filtered by the search system a little better, since it'll automatically add it to the platform tagging. Right now nobody can tell if your download file is meant for Windows, Linux, Mobile, etc.
7. You can try adding which engine you used to make it too, so other developers using the same engine can find it and review it.
I think that's about it. Good luck!