(Commentatron) Oh, I was on original Commentatron's respected disposal, I am now the best Commentatron
(Emperor) and since I am the best ROBOT, that leaves one question: who is -was- the best human?
(Commentatron) *checks some papers* Hmmmm... it's that Erik guy that's helping us to create new weapons, and robots, and we've restrained him by keeping some Hoppers close to him, so he doesn't have any robot threatening ideas
What about that Jonathan person who helps make sure that the weapons, upgrades, and robots work correctly?
(Commentatron) Yeah, maybe it's a tie, like with the Emperor and Analysis-Bot #43
(Emperor) Kill him
(Commentatron) *does a whistle like sound, a black goo gets near him*
(Doppelgänger) What should I copy?
(Commentatron) Copy the Emperor, and kill the blue Analysis-Bot