I found this game to be very one-note. Once I realized that none of the tiles meant anything and it was just a score-chaser, I didn't see much motivation to try and get as many as possible.
That said, I still think there are lots of things you could do to improve this:
- Considering there are different types of tiles already, I think each tile should do a different thing in order to encourage decision-based play. Perhaps they could give a spendable resource? Just throwing out ideas.
- The camera is way too far zoomed-in in order to feel a sense of progress. As I approached the bottom of the world I wished to see all the tiles I'd dug out so far, but couldn't. I think if the player could see twice or thrice as much space it would be a big improvement.
- Please choose better music... I'm sorry but after the second loop that song began to really annoy me. I opted to mute my computer just to avoid it.
Thanks for creating!