Hi, my name is MadShmupper. I am a dev over at the PortMaster discord server. We port a large variety of games to Linux handheld devices. Games from Gamemaker, Godot, Love, etc.. Feel free to come and visit us on discord. I wish to ask your permission to distribute your game file/s from 'IRON FERRET' within a port of this cool game on PortMaster. May I please distribute it? Without your permission, the user will need to manually add there own game file/s. A yes would mean the port will be a ready to run port. PortMaster receive no money for this and will give you, the game creator, proper and complete due credit. PortMaster will be responsible for the upkeep of the port and will require no other assistance from you unless you'd like to be involved, which is fully welcomed by the way🙂. On behalf of myself, the others at PortMaster, and our quickly growing, and beautiful community, I want to thank you for any and all consideration you may give my request. Again, thank you thank you.
Kindest regards, MadShmupper