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It's up to you as a player to decide 😋 You can create two different playthroughs to see whether the forgiveness path is worth playing.

I love this game!  Congratulations on the fabulous work!  It's incredible, I just have a few suggestions: please, in the next updates, try to make Salyra have more affection for her son.  I feel like she still leaves him a little aside, for example at the mother and son reunion, she greets him, but then says goodbye saying that her other family needs her, however, and about the eldest son who she hasn't seen in a long time. TWO DECADES?  He also needed her due to the shock and so many years of absence.  I feel there is different treatment on Salyra and Amma's part between Rana and MC.  It will never be Rana's fault, she is just an innocent child.  But let's try to make Salyra redeem herself even more (she owes it to the MC) and treat her son better, of course I noticed that she loves him, but there are still loose ends.  Obviously, these are not suggestions of mandatory choices, just a path of choices.  Let's try to save Sal and her son's relationship.  And please, make Salyra forget Danzor a little and focus more on her son.  I emphasize, it is just a path that can be followed, nothing mandatory.  My MC is male.  Sorry, my English isn't the best.  BUT SERIOUSLY, PLEASE CONTINUE THIS AMAZING WORK, I LOVE IT.  I'M A FAN!

But, of course, these are just suggestions and opinions.    It's only up to you as the author of this incredible work to decide how to proceed with the next updates :)

Hi, thank you so much for playing ❤  Unfortunately, there will be no update for the public demo. The game will only available once it's completed. My Patreon continues to receive new chapters but these are still not the edited version which will (eventually) be available on Steam.

Salyra's responses are who she is as a character. Adding more affection or love removes that part of her character and will be a completely different story. I didn't set out to write a happy family with lots of love and emotional maturity so I'm afraid, she won't change very much. Some people just don't change in real life and that's true for Salyra.

None of the parental figures are going to change - especially when they're not parents of the year 😅 If you've hoped for an emotionally distant/emotionally constipated parent to be more loving, you'll know it doesn't just happen (it sometimes rarely happens).

Thank you for playing and I hope you understand!

Of course! Thank u! :)