Initially I felt Bow build was unreliable compared to Knives or multiplying, supplements any deck build, Golems but that's only with the Training Bow and Wonky Arrow. Once you get Double Shot, Tethered Shot, Blight Snake, or the almighty Arrow Cannon you will start ripping enemies apart. Defense shredding, burn, blight (which counters healing enemies like Bats and the 3 Racoon boss), are incredible when fired multiple times. It also helps to have draw engines (Bonus Cards/Mitosis/Card Forge), Hidden Truth (to search anything), Third Hand/Move Dispenser to continue your combo, and Reanimator and Deck Swap for reusing discard cards.
I don't really see the use of Mechanical Bow creating more bows. I guess to help with Ethereal Quiver creating more arrows? Except if you have Arrow Cannon, you don't need more bows. Only time having a higher bow than arrow ratio is if you have those 30% chance reusable arrows but that's a niche scenario.
Swords are pretty basic with pure damage. The Fire one can Burn and the Vampire is decent for healing (if enemy is not shielded). Angry Sword seems very mediocre in this game where builds have multi-attacking in a single action, though it's still better than Shy Dagger (+2 dmg if your Shield is >50?). Corpse Sword would typically be like 5-7 dmg but I suppose if you kill a boosted Mega Shark you can turn the Seagull boss into chicken nuggets.
Wands seem to be the hardest to play with their high risk-low return playstyle. There doesn't seem to be many of them so they're also rare to find unless you reroll rewards. Maybe instead of picking 5 random cards (which can sometimes give you bows or arrows but not the other), you can choose a "class" and the game will then give them better odds appearing in the reward/shop/sacrificial altar?
Being able to sell 3 cards or shred them with the altar is a nice way to get rid of undesirable cards.
Shields seem to fall off once you get into late game and enemies start hitting harder (especially against Mega Shark). Practice Dummies are much better damage absorbers (and also draw aggro away from your fragile devices/golems), when they're on the field (like other summons) they also won't clog up your draw/deck until destroyed, and they are also an option to Duplicate. Shield Golems are just unparalleled for mass action-less shielding. Healing Golems likewise are better than those 3/5 HP food. Shields with effects (like Thorns) or Food with effects would make them better.