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Hi.🙂My name is MadShmupper, and I'm part of a group of developers working on porting games to handheld Linux devices. Our project is named PortMaster, and we also have an active Discord server in which you are very welcome to come check out any time.     For the past couple of years, we've added various Gamemaker games to various  Linux devices, and we'd love to include this game as well. Although these devices have some limitations with OpenGL, games that use GLES2 and SDL generally run very smoothly.    We at PortMaster, firmly believe in reaching out to content creators/game authors like yourself to ask for consent in distributing their game files.    It would be fantastic if you could grant us permission to include your etc.. within our packages. Without your consent, users will simply be able to download your files to add to their ports manually.  Your games would undoubtedly be a superb addition to these handheld devices. Especially in a ready to run format.   Please note that we are not looking to profit or take credit for any of the games. Our primary goal is to introduce more games to our beloved handheld devices, and we're also branching out to other ARM platforms. We are growing🙂  Thank you for any consideration that you may lend towards our request!          Best regards, MadShmupper

Hi MadShmupper! Sorry for the delayed reply. This sounds great provided that (1) you credit us, (2) you don’t sell the game or use it as part of a for-profit package, and (3) should we need you to remove it in the future, you do so. If that all sounds good, please go ahead! :)

On behalf of myself and everyone at PortMaster, thank you so much! 🙂👾