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I don't play a lot of yandere games, but this one caught my attention - and now that I've completed it, it absolutely blew me away!

I wound up racking up bad endings pretty quickly (and repeatedly), but had a lot of fun playing through despite that (the 'skip to choices' feature helped a LOT, really appreciated that!). Once I finally broke the loop and got through to the true ending, I was anticipating a twist of some sort but absolutely did not see the twist that was delivered coming. Fantastic ending, left me a mixture of grinning in delight and jaw-dropped.

And the side story? Strong contender for being my favourite part; after seeing everything from the MC's perspective, it was great getting that extra lore and perspective from another viewpoint. The game very clearly foreshadowed that there was Something Else about that character, and it was so satisfying getting so many questions answered.

Really enjoyed the story, the pacing was great, there was a good amount of lore shared without exposition-dumping, and the humour in particular really worked for me.

Well worth a play, you'll have more fun than the MC does!