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i liked the game but i want to address some issues:
1. i dont know what happened but i completed the game, got normal ending and closed it. when i came back to presumably find better endings my save got deleted.
2. not issue but i feel the beginning is pretty confusing because there is so many candy you cant reach with your absence of higher jump. kinda wanted to get the costume sooner or make it more obvious that you must talk to that guy, bring him candy and so on. also i would slightly boost the speed of a char because related costume is very very far into the game.
3. there is no how-many-candies-left counter
4. furries  wait are they real?

5. i got softlocked with ring quest

What did you do to get soft locked?

(2 edits)

i started new game with all items and to waste minimum candy i went straight to npcs that give money. first i jumped across the river, talked to furries, got 1000$ from that guy, talked to pumpkin, got paint and when i got to the forest i cracked that rock but there was no ring. Zenn just said something like "i totally cracked this rock! now what?". In active quests list "find ring" were orange still and when i talked to furries they said "did you find the ring?" 

   then i started new new game and went straight to furries but the rock still empty. then I started new new new game and all my items except bride one were locked.

Whoops, you're not suppose to keep your costumes if you pressed new game. I'll go ahead and fix that.

Talking to Charles first without completing Wilson's quest breaks their questline.

(3 edits)

oh, ok. but you can get good ending even without costumes. right?

i thought if max  number of candy you can get is 666 then this gotta be the key to secret ending

The good ending requires finishing everyone's quests, and exhausting their dialogue. Which means even if you start at max candy, all but the last costume are required.