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Are you guys okay this is the longest time it's ever taken to update?


From the devs:

"People frequently speak, in various shades of suspicion and superstition, of the H-dev’s curse - the tendency for developers in our space to fall afoul of variously awful and improbable fates. I think the most compelling explanation is that crises sometimes befall all of us; it is only when you have a large project that anyone else notices

 you’re taken out of commission for a while.

Working as a team provides a healthy buffer against that. The Ravager crew have individually sustained various slings and arrows of outrageous misfortune over the years, and our peers have picked up the slack until normality reigns again. But lady luck is fickle, and there is always a chance that she hits the core team with six unrelated crises in one month

. It has not been a kind month.

It would be possible to pull out all the stops, chug all the coffee, and do our damnedest to pretend that nothing has happened – but that kind of crunch would mean making sacrifices on quality, as well as degrading our ability to continue work past the release of Chapter Two. Neither of those are acceptable to me, so instead I’m here doing the thing I never want to do, asking for your patience.

There will be no update this month

; there has been plenty of progress on many fronts, but it isn’t ready for primetime just yet. That also means that Chapter Two won’t arrive to meet my original goal of “first half of 2024”, which is on me. As soon as the remaining fires are stamped out and I have a good sense of our new momentum, I’ll get you a revised goal that I can be firmly confident in.

Thank you for all of your support thus far and, I hope, your understanding. I’ll be in the comments if anyone has questions for me."