In all honesty I haven't finished the game (I got to the part where Ms. Salma wakes you up), Visual Novels are not my thing, so it can take me a while to work through them; however I know there's only one day left and wanted to make sure I had a chance to comment before the rating period ends.
I have 2 minor complaints. I found the text somewhat difficult to read, I do like that it is unique and fits the overall style well, and it's likely more my problem than yours. Also, is Y/N supposed to be "Your Name"? If so I'd suggest just adding a prompt for the player to enter the name they want to use, as seeing Y/N felt distracting to me. Again, that's more likely a me problem, as I'm guessing the audience for this style of game is probably more amicable to it than I am.
Other than that, I thought the art was very well done, the characters seem interesting and varied, and I like that there's a little mystery sprinkled in. I plan on picking it back up soon, just not sure I'll be able to finish it before the jam.