As for the Cursed Items or Items that you aren't sure, As a tips, That if you saw that some that you found in the Map/Dungeon that not drop when you win the match, that has a ? Sign on the items.. Which mostly are a trap, as like too good to be true..🤔
Like a good Tips, by try to give it to your spare teams that you can see if that are a Curse or Real Items.. Which if a curse that you can let go do some certain jobs to unlock the curse items.. Or you can set her free, by remember that to remove her items like equipment to clothing to accessories, as will delete it, if you forgot to Unequip her, as deleted permanently from letting her free.(Meaning that she will not in your team anymore, Remember to this if you have spares class or she aren't go anywhere or do any jobs at the moment👍)
Here the extra Example in the picture..