My impression is that it's a solid fit for the genre of game that you're going for, but I would agree with the above poster that there's quite a few pixel art packs out there already, so making yours stand out can be a little tough.
To build on what the other person said, it will be helpful to listen to what players are asking for in a pack while also respecting the scope of the project (i.e if somebody's asking for a 200x200 monster sprite, that's obviously not reasonable for what you're already doing). The low price point is acceptable and will make it easy for people to buy the assets as they are, and with improving feedback and increased amounts of sprites you can raise the price a little bit in the future.
If somebody has already incorporated your assets into their game, a great marketing tool would be to include a screenshot on your page, so that way other potential buyers can see what they would look like in an actual game. It will give a lot of visibility to other developers looking for assets to use in their own game.