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Hi avesidora!! For some reason I must have overlooked this extremely sweet comment, I apologize! :(

I am incredibly honored that you took the time to comment, especially when it's not something you usually do! It always means the world to me to know other people's thoughts on my work, especially when they likely dedicated an afternoon to sitting down and reading it -- which is truly no higher praise to receive.

... Except, of course, even going as far as to inspire someone to write!! Please, if you are ever comfortable, share me your own work.  I am so glad you were able to express yourself freely, but more importantly, I'm ecstatic to hear it moved you to be creative as well!

 Thank you so much for your words about the world building and characters, they occupy my thoughts daily! And so sorry to leave you you a cliffhanger!

But most of all, thank you thank you again so much for taking your time to read it and share your thoughts on it, avesidora! And I'm looking forward to seeing your WIPs if you ever intend to publish them! :D (reach out to me if you'd like!!)