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Overall - interesting game, pixel graphics is fine for me, mood is very good (though I'm not a  fan of horror games - that devil-like character scared me like Hell!)

Sometimes there are some voices heard - I would appreciate subtitles.

Esc is not closing manuals - was a surprise for me, getting used to use E.

No hint how to climb - figured it out.

Hint : 'Some containers can be opened and closed'. Is there such a container there, what is the key to do it?

Do you plan to introduce some bar showing life/sanity or is the blur effect the only one hinting it? 

Thank you for the feedback, really means a lot ☺️.

Ther is supposed to be a hint showing how to climb, I will check it out why it dident pop up for you.

Some containers require keys, they basically act like doors, you have to press E when near them to open/close the gate

For now we dont plan on introducing a sanity bar.