Episode 6: Lost and Found
As tranquility reigns over Qtopia, our heroines seize the opportunity to explore the lush jungle. Venturing into the depths of a mysterious ruin, they are suddenly confronted by a towering figure—a six-armed goddess poised for attack.
Standing an imposing three meters tall, the goddess unleashes her fury upon the unsuspecting princesses. However, through skillful teamwork and unwavering determination, our heroines emerge victorious, vanquishing the formidable adversary.
To their surprise, the defeated goddess transforms into a statue, revealing the enigmatic nature of this ancient place. Soon after, the princesses encounter an indigenous tribe nestled within the ruins. Welcomed with warmth and hospitality, they learn that the tribe consists of wandering storytellers who have awakened the statue to serve as a guardian for their camp.
In a spirit of camaraderie and mutual admiration, the princesses and the tribe forge a bond. Inspired by the princesses' noble deeds and the tribe's rich culture, an alliance is formed. Together, they embark on a journey to join forces and unite under the banner of the Princess Kingdom, setting forth on a new chapter of adventure and friendship.
Episode 7: Wolves Past the Border
Things are no longer so quiet - the borders of Qtopia teem with chaos.
Clarity Shoal arrives by barge. She seems to have some errand for Qtopia, but is reticent to say and despite Clovers attempts only platitudes cross her lips. By the same boat Granny Poppy and Lia are to return to Princess Academy.
A monster lair has been established inside the kingdom's borders! Pony-sized wolf monsters have been spotted prowling the outskirt of the settlement, and immediate action is required. The first plan is to charm the wolves. In an attempt to turn Clover into a wolf the princesses pass the Morlocks to visit the tile room beneath the ruins. Clover outposes the Morlocks to the degree that they give her a new tile, a red one. Clover stands next to the magical girl statue and the red tile placed next tot he beast, the red tile in the middle, the green tile next to Clover, and finally the yellow tile towards the Morlock. The princesses dance to activate the magic, and Clover's princess magic, her bow tie, grows larger and turns into a frame, with serrated teeth pointed into the new openings. Disappointed the princesses ditch that plan.
Scouting out the worg lair, the princesses find that it is a hill with tunnels dug into it. A new plan is formed, to create a corral and have the wolves chase Clover around this corral until exhausted, and then have Claire chain them up to be used as mounts. Nagalia displays a new degree of magic by turning her familiar into an enormous snake. A worg scout appears at the opening of the den, and Claire and Clarity try to drive it back. This works out well, but Claire is pulled down into the den!
Claire is saved by being suspended to the ceiling of the burrow. She sees about a dozen worgs surrounding a huge wolf the size of an Elephant, obviously the alpha. Clover and Nagalia are done with their preparations, so Clover goes into the den and teases the wolves out, while Clarity takes another passage into the den to help Claire. She arrives to see the pack rushing after Clover, but the alpha is more careful and sneaks out a side passage. Clarity and Claire follow her, only to see has disappeared! Where could this gargantuan beast hide?
Clover lets herself be chased by the wolves, sometimes getting caught only to disappear between their jaws, making a rabbit leap to safety. This goes on for a while, the wolves endurance versus Nagalia and Clover's magic. Panting and tongues lolling the wolves collapse one by one.
Perplexed, Claire lifts herself into the air to find the alpha wolf and quickly sees her, relaxing atop the hill that hides the den, watching her children failing their tests without intervening. Claire and Clarity attack her, succeeding in driving her off. Despite her obvious power she doesn't seem all that aggressive. Claire proceeds to collar the exhausted worgs with her chains, and both princesses and explorers take to the task of taming them as mounts. It turns out to require a person's full attention to tame a worg, the supernumerous wolves manage to slink away.
While all of this goes on, a small figure appears in the opening of the den. It is Lily, the Lost Princess, coming to hug the princesses. She explains that she jumped off the boat to Princess Academy and was captured by the worgs, who on the main had treated her well. A few days later, a very annoyed Granny Poppy appears and, exasperated, leaves Lily in the care of Claire. "You better home-school this little lady!". Seems our princesses have a new job - as teachers!
The kingdom episode ends with a set of new worg mounts and some magic bones (treasure) buried under the floor of the den, and a new princess in Qtopia - Lily the Lost Princess!
Episode 8: Sparkle Union
Clarity Shoal had asked the princesses to invite the Sparkle union and others to a formal occasion, but this never happened. The excuse was that as soon as we have done this and that and so and on, we will make invitations. Apparently unsatisfied with this, a number of Sparke Union princesses decided to crash Qtopia to celebrate the kingdom’s advancement in tier.
• Clarity Shoal, Princess of Piranhas - Quietly competent
• Stella Moonbeam, Princess of the Tide - Shy and reserved
• Aria Fireheart, the Seething Princess - Tsundere
• Aurora Dawn, Princess of Eventide - Charismatic leader
• Sirius Starlight, Princess of Sparkles - Trickster
This group arrived one morning out of the blue and were welcomed and entertained on the beach. Aurora challenged the others to a game of Beach Volleyball, which Aria Fireheart, the Seething Princess responded to strongly, and the game was on! However, it ended in chaos, as balls disappeared into the distant sky, got blown up when hit with frenzy, and otherwise broke down into chaos when the playing field was swamped by a random wave.
Relaxing with sunbathing, Clover, Princess of Bunnies flirted with Aurora Dawn, Princess of Eventide and Clair the Chain Princess with Aria Fireheart, the Seething Princess. Clarity Shoal, Princess of Piranhas asked the local princesses to talk about their achievements over the picnic lunch, served by locals and worgs. Clover spoke of the Worg Den and Clair of the Tile Room.
The group decided to go explore the Tile Room, but their clothes that had been hung to dry got wet again when tree fronds bent to drop moisture on them. The group entered the ruins, watched by lurking Morlocks. Descending by climbing on chains made by Claire, they experimented, turning each of them into a bird for a short while - each becoming a bird matching their personality and specialty. Clover turned into a hummingbird, Claire into a raven, and Nagalia into a feathered serpent. A further experiment seemed to create a magical princess, but the power of the tiles seemed not to suffice. Clover created a mote of magic, that got absorbed in the process, but then the effect fizzled out.
Abashed by the events and their lack of power, the princesses left, Claire and Aurora challenging them to use exotic means. Aurora made herself light as a sunspot, sat on Clover's shoulder as Clover leaped out. Nagalia turned into a serpent and climbed out on the statuary-clad walls, and Aria teleported by disappearing and then appearing in a gout of flame. With Clarity, Stella, and Sirius still below, Claire helped them up using chains.
Next up was the Worg Den. It was quiet, with Worgs slowly waking up for the evening's hunt. Worgs approached the princesses, pairing up with them asking to be petted. The princesses own pets seemed scared and disappeared, but their mistresses did not pair up with worgs. Clarity and Aria, who lacked pets, did pick a wolf each to bond with, asking Claire to put chain collars on them, which was done.
The company went to the castle where a generous if not luxurious meal awaited them.
Episode 9: Gremlin Dungeon
News arrive from the explorers that a dungeon has appeared near Dance Academy, in the direction of Qtopia. Our princesses went to investigate and found that Grace, Princess of Grace and her acolytes were exploring the first floor. She had snuck away to do this, not consulting the other princesses of Dance Academy. Together they fight some traps and a slime ambush, being shadowed by gremlins, which look like bright orange Morlocks. The gremlins seemed more out to annoy and make the princesses give up than they were out to kill.
Finally, our heroines faced the level boss, who was a greatly swollen gremlin. It turned out this was slimes attached to a large gremlin, who attacked using his slimes and had counterattacks based on any slimes hit exploding. When defeated, he turned into an ordinary Morlock and ran off, bowing and thanking the princesses for his rescue. The princesses claimed the treasure and found a stairway to the next level.
Following Grace back to Dance Academy, the other princesses there were quite miffed at Grace, which the princesses from Qtopia tried to smooth over.