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I found a visual bug. When I pick the white pelt, Bushstep is brown. But on the family tree he's shown as white. Another small error, but it contains spoilers

When the killer is getting exiled, Mudbriar calls her "my own brother"

I genuinely keep forgetting Sandwhatever is a girl. This is why I have a wiki for WW because I am literally the most forgetful person in the world. Also yeah, I've been neglecting the family tree. I haven't updated it with the warrior names and I'm not sure I even tested the apprentice names

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Moss-shadow can you work back on Over borders i want to see more update's on purr-tastic over borders.

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Omg really? I thought you had a wiki so everyone could find out the juicy backstories of every character haha, that's what I've been using it for.