The anger and regrets here showcased are truly palpable. I can feel the visceral toward the woman that both willingly adopted but could not bring herself to be a mother, while at the same time turning a more sympathetic, forgiving tone to the child that deserved to be loved unconditionally; who just deserved so much more. Kendrick Lamar's been a big inspiration to me as well as of late following recent events, and I feel like you took the visceral hate emanating from Meet the Grahams and translated it to your own style beautifully. The shared emotions of familial disorder are equally strong here. "Please have the courage to hate her", was the biggest hitter for me.
Those who grew up in abusive/unstable home lives owe nothing to the people who chose not to treat them better. All the dresses in the world will never make up for a lost childhood. Well done; incredibly written, especially for the length requirements.