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I think the best way might be to use the built in widget, I can post yours over on my page and vice versa.

Also, if you have a patreon page we could link each other there. What are your thoughts?

I think it's a good idea

Awesome, in that case how can I contact you? E-mail perhaps? I'll try reaching out via Patreon.

I have patreon account, I have discord account and server, account in X or facebook, where you feel more comfortable, and I send you the link.

Ah, I don't use "X" anymore (deleted account),  nor Facebook (same reason).  I do have discord, but it's linked to my author name and making another just for this would be overkill, I think.

 I did just add you on Patreon, I suppose I'll bite the bullet and sub so I can send you a message there!

I reached out via Patreon, I'll try to stay awake, feeling a bit sleepy.  Too many naps , messed up sleep schedule and all.