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Look dev, I'm not gonna lie, I downloaded this without reading the tags. My fault. I admit that. And I hate ntr with a passion. I made it through halfway into the first day before I realized. I'm not even gonna ask for my money back, because again, that's on me for jumping in. 

I don't know what made you decide to wanna go this route with this game, I don't care to know either. Maybe it's your thing, I'm not here to kink shame. But I will say that you perfectly recreate the feel of an Ace Attorney game. The art style down to the music and tone are great. The movement system between locations and dialog are spot on. 

If it weren't for the genre, I'd say it's perfect. It may not be for me, but kudos. The only thing I ask is if you choose to make another one of these Ace Attorney parodies in the future, make one for the people who aren't into ntr, or at least make it optional, yeah?


I'm looking into adding an option at the start of the game which cuts out the tracker + the stuff where Maya is with other people, at some point later on in development.