Very well done. It was short but sweet. The movement felt very good (slide jumping was particularly satisfying) and the power-ups all had their uses. There was a fair amount of enemy variety and the two bosses I fought were well made. The writing was pretty good too, a lot of call-backs to classic games that are always fun to see. And those enemy death screams, I smiled every time I heard one.
Some feedback:
- The first boss's implementation was very impressive with the legs, but I initially felt a little frustrated by the lack of counter play. I felt like I couldn't really get close to him because both of his attacks were close range and had very big hit boxes. I eventually figured out I could dash through him to get a few quick hits in, but this would end up putting me in a corner which also wasn't ideal. Maybe I'm missing the intended strat, but I strugged much more on this boss than on Death himself.
- There seems to be a bug with oneof your map connections, two rooms (big central room and lower right room) are physically linked bu the map shows a romo in-between them. There also seems to be an exit to a room that I aws never able to access no matter how much I explored. Is it a bug or is there some trick to getting down there? OH YEAH, and what was the deal with the room with the nuclear bombs?! I made it through but... what?
I got the hero emblem but it didn't actually seem to have an effect, enemies still took the same amount of hits to kill. Is it used elsewhere?
Anyways, other than those things, I enjoyed my time with the game. I did a lot of back tracking and exploring, but because the movement was so quick and smooth, it still felt good, and the Death fight was very fun. Nice variety of patterns that felt like you could get a real sense of mastery over them. Great job!