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hmm kindle fires run Fire OS which is technically a custom version of android, but i know they do try and force you to only use apps from their playstore but there are also workarounds for that; on that note I don''t know enough about Fire OS to know the workarounds, whether it is blocking the app, if it's a download  error (pretty common) or user error. I suggest looking at a youtube tutorial for how to download and run non-amazon APK files on your kindle, If nothing they suggest works then it is possible it is just a download error which if so you just keep trying to download. And if using the mega download a free account would take multiple days to download all the different files together not sure of all are needed or not but mega restricts free accounts to 5 gigs of downloads daily. I paid for a month of membership on mega just because i didn't know if all the files were needed or not. Wish I could be more helpful but I just don't know enough about Kindles, I only use mine for reading, I game on PC, hopefully this helped a tiny bit at least.

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Alright thanks. I have some more info that might be of importance. First of all, I didn't always have problems with downloading games like these. I used to be able to download games like corrupted kingdoms which you might recognize, the file is about 1-2 gb, too much to download now, but as I said, I didn't always have problems with these kind of downloads. Now, if the game is above 1 gb, it's just too much. My only guess is that I might just be overwhelming my kindle with seemingly harmful apk files. So my kindle is just no longer having it. But I am no tech expert, so I have not one clue why it's being stubborn now. (Edit: Sometimes the downloads don't even finish and say "Download forbidden" or something like that.)