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Very very cute, lovely art and a very cute couple.  Gameplay is fine, but I did encounter some bugs where my bee would get stuck on the line.  (Using brave, chromium based)  But aside from that happening my biggest complaint are the controls, I really wish I could remap, or something within closer reach of the arrow keys was the line key, like shift or even enter.

(1 edit) (+1)

They are such a cute couple TTuTT -- we're glad you agree!! Thanks for the feedback, browser info, and suggestion. We'll consider adding key remapping in the future. Thanks for peeking <3! 

((By the way - you may already know this...but you can use either: ( WASD + / ) or (Arrow Keys + Z) Hope this helps! ))


Yeah, I've done a bit with the arrows and / but kinda hard with one hand.