Enjoyment 4/5: I won't have a recording of this one for you because frankly, I started it, and played way too long to get my organic reactions, and honestly played a bit too late. I've not beaten the final boss at this time but it's probably the closest I've come to simply not having fun, and I don't think it's unfun enough to affect my score more than whatever it contributed to that missing point.
Execution 4/5: Solid solid solid all around. Few if any bugs. Swimming could have been slightly better designed and in one place can be triggered before you have the ability.
Sensory: 4/5: The charm is greater than the sum of its parts. The audio in particular is really pleasing to the ear, and the visual, while not perfect and a little disjointed, still has a sense of purpose.
Metroidvania 5/5: All around goodness. Kudos for the swimming ability and its implementation, and for not relying merely on double-jump and dash, although those were well-executed. The world, with the possible exception of the end-game area, feels pretty well-connected.
Theme-relevance 3/5: It fits/incorporates the nurturing theme, but there's no big deal made of it.