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Of course I use it, it's the home page! I'm really not sure what you mean by "it's hidden in plain sight".

The header on itch pages.

It looks different when you are logged in. Open a window without being logged in. The itch logo has a little text. When logged in, there is no text.

The different sections in the header are written in a certain style. It is Browse Developer Logs Jams and so on. It is different sections of itch to visit. But the landing page or home page is hidden behind the site logo. It does not look like a section to visit. That there are things on that landing page that are not accessible on the other sections never occured to me. I never land there and I am not reminded that it exists. Maybe I saw it once or twice and disregarded it, since the first thing is just the push for the itch app.

If it would read "Start" "Browse" "Developer Logs" ... in the same style, it would be more prominent.

It goes on. Hover over the sections. There is a red underline under the sections. The homepage is not underlined as such.

This is what I mean by hidden in plain sight. It is always there, but easy to overlook.