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"Sears the potato"? So, the made up cult of which I'm the high priest and only member, "Spudology", explores the secret knowledge that can be derived from observing potatoes and potato related phenomena. Basically, we (I) contextualize life lessons and insights within the ouvre of potatoes. "A potato left in a dark place within a paper sack will eat itself, converting all its energy into questing roots that fill every inch of space. The wise potato teaches us, thereby, to prioritize removing ourselves from the situation when people are actively trying to keep us in the dark." That kind of thing. Less 'potatoes are divine', more 'anything is sufficiently complicated that you can contextualize knowledge about it into a metaphor or insight for something else..and if you're digging into one random thing deep enough to perform that analysis, why *not* a potato?' It's a quasijoke about making explicit what I think most people do implicitly, contextualizing new data or experiences in terms of the things they know particularly well already regardless of applicability.

Anyway.. Your slight against the wise tuber, and advocation of objective metrics over inspired truth claims reliant on viewing reality as metaphorical fractals, has been noted! In indy tabletop tradition, expect the inevitable refutation to be in the form of a TTRPG. 

(I once ran a one shot about spelunkers trapped in a haunted cave, and the survival of half the group ended up riding on whether a PLAYER could tie a knot in real life that he insisted his character could in the game. BS Internet posturing about potatoes aside, I've accidentally used 'RL experiment as in game success criteria' before and it rocks. "Let Us Relitigate etc" highly recommended, tuber heresy aside.)

I look forward to reading the refutation!

(Thank you for the kind words!)

My counterargument to your "Science trumps high quality conjecture as a mechanism for determining Truth" implication is complete.  Thank you again for the inspiration!