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- Hello! Excuse me, please! But I just couldn’t help but share this sketch! This scenario arose in my brain after watching one film, and my God, how it fits in this moment!

- Once again I apologize! This sketch does not have any spoilers for the plot, but simply the fantasy of my sour brain!

The clouds thicken, the wind pricks the skin as the flames violently sway as the fire moves ever closer to the takeoff area.

Everything is on fire, that forest, which previously seemed like a heavenly Eden, now looked more like a real Hell, with burning trees and the air full of smoke.

And it just so happened that the take-off site was perfectly located surrounded by these same trees.

– Start it up! – Kim shouts as he struggles to pry off the co-pilot's control wheel.

– It doesn't work! Too much weight! Ugh! – Terry tries to shout the answer, but it sounds more like a desperate panting as he furiously presses any buttons on the dashboard to lift the helicopter off the ground.

– I-I'll stay! – Beru croaked, although his voice seemed confident, but despair was clearly heard in it.

– What?! You're crazy, we won't abandon anyone! – Lucy looked furiously at Beru, she sincerely did not want to leave anyone on this thrice-cursed island, but she certainly did not expect to leave anyone to die here.

– I know I know! But there is no way out! Someone must stay! And I weigh more than each of you! – Beru almost begged, hoping in his heart that he would be wrong.

– Look! Now, all those who believe in miracles, close your eyes, and on the count of three we take off! – Hisoka shouted as loudly as possible to attract everyone’s attention to himself.

He had an idea, a risky idea, but if it worked, his friends would be saved, and that was the main thing.

– What? Are you kidding me or something, this won’t work! – Owen was almost furious, he couldn’t even imagine that Hisoka would say something like that, but in fact he prayed that he had a plan.

– Just trust, okay? – Hisoka asked, smiling softly and hoping that they would listen to him.

– O-Okay. – Beru was the first to break the silence, his lips trembled, he was scared, but he believed Hisoka.


– Fine. – Lucy was next, there seemed to be distrust in her eyes, but she also clearly did not hide hope in Hisoka.


– OK. –Owen almost muttered, he was still trying to act brave, but Hisoka knew from those eyes that he was terrified to the core.


– Once! – Hisoka started counting down – Don’t peek. – he pointed at Owen and another smile appeared on his face, he didn’t want to deceive them, but he would have to, not for his own sake, but for their sake – Twooo... – now each of them kept his eyes tightly closed, all three clung to his hands to each other, praying to themselves that everything would end soon – Threeeee!!! – Hisoka opened the door of the helicopter and warm air came inside, dousing everyone with heat, which made them close their eyes even tighter – Start it up! – Hisoka shouted, after which a strange slap was heard.


– Come on, come on, come on, come on! – Kim began to pull the steering wheel again, as if if he let go, his life would end.


– Come on, a little more! – Terry screamed as if he was crazy, he prayed to all the gods to hear and save them.

"Come on!!!"

After what seemed like an eternity, the helicopter took off from the ground with a roar and began to gain altitude.


– We're flying, Hisoka! We're flying! HAHA! – Kim laughed, hope did not leave them, all was not lost.


– We're flying! We're flying!!! – Terry shouted, he was on the verge of tears of joy, they will return home.

"How hot!!!"

Gradually, as Kim and Terry's screams reached them, Beru, Lucy and Owen opened their eyes in disbelief.


That's right, they're flying! Just beyond the open door of the helicopter, the tops of trees engulfed in flames could be seen.

"How it burns!!!"

However, something was wrong.


The first person to notice that something was wrong was Owen. As his vision cleared from tears of joy, he noticed that there were only three of them left in the cabin.

"I can not breathe!!!"

Looking back at the others, he saw Lucy hugging Beru tightly, there was not a dry spot on the second's face. However, when she met Owen's gaze, she looked towards the helicopter's door, followed by a look of shock on her face.

"My head is spinning, it’s hot, very hot!!!"

Lucy gently pushes Beru away, causing him to look from Lucy to Owen in confusion, and then also looks at the open door of the helicopter, his face paler than usual.

"I can not breathe!!!"

As they approached the open door of the helicopter, all three froze for a second before looking down at the same time.

Hisoka waves at the ascending helicopter and smiles.

Terry looks straight at Hisoka and begins to cry.

– It worked! What's happened? – Kim happily repeats that they will be able to return home, until his attention was attracted by Terry, who was trembling, his grip on the steering wheel was so strong that his knuckles turned white.

However, just as Kim was about to call Terry again, the windshield began to crack from the rising heat - Phew! Crap! The heat is getting too intense, we need to get out quickly!

– Kim... – Lucy’s voice was indistinguishable, she simply stared straight at Hisoka, in the silent hope that this was just a mirage, that it would soon dissipate and Hisoka would be right here with them.

– Wait... – Owen groaned, he couldn’t believe it, he just couldn’t and didn’t want to, he didn’t want to believe in something like that. Tears flowed limply down his face and he had no intention of wiping them away, ever...

– Why? – Beru’s silent question was addressed to no one in particular, perhaps he was asking himself why he didn’t have the courage to do this, or he was asking Hisoka why he did this, although he knew perfectly well that he wouldn’t hear him at such a height.

– Tell me later what happened! Let's get off this island quickly! – Kim commanded, he was worried about the behavior of the others, but right now he had to get them out of here, otherwise they would all die.

Terry looks at Hisoka one last time.

"Fly away..."

– Yes.. – Terry needs to muster all his remaining strength to look away from Hisoka, he is in pain, a lot, and Hisoka too, he didn’t want this, no, he wanted something else, but not this. "Why? Why is this? For what?" Terry asked himself these questions as the helicopter continued to gain altitude and move further and further away from the island.


This is actually very interesting some part doeeesssss happened in the story plot.. (only like 2% of it?) But it amazingly well written!

(1 edit)


- The part with the burning forest or that Hisoka is sacrificing himself?
