The community challenge goal thing disappeared and revealed three new flowers for me... is this intentional? The server being checked went away?
Haha, I assumed nobody would notice. :)
Yes, I turned off that server, since I expect very few people are actively playing the game. It had been years since I set it up, and we still hadn't unlocked all the flowers. Hopefully not a disappointment for you!
"The brilliant chariots of kings are destroyed [...] but the virtue of good people never approaches destruction" - Buddha
Heh... I was slowly working my way through but I guess too slowly? There was a lot to go but I (hope) I have the years left even if it is only a few snatched minutes here and there... either way though, I don't mind not having the goal, it's not like it was the main reason to play! ;)
Thank you again for your hard work and time <3