Why was it boring to you? Seeing that you are interested in programming by itself, I assume you mean either the engine or the tutorial video? If so, the best course would be to change your approach. Check someone else for tutorials (there should be more than enough for Unity), or try out the engine for a bit trial-and-error. If you do not like the engine, maybe check out some other options? The alternative reality would be that maybe you are more into how it would be to make a game - but not actually making a game. So maybe you do like programming, but not the steps to create a game with it? In that regard, you could think about using engines already providing the necessary foundation to more easily 'just' make games.
Some of the above will also lead you into questions about what you would actually want to make and how, where you want to go with it specifically (and how far), etc.
You can also check out this topic, where I recently wrote a bit about how you could approach all this: https://itch.io/t/3839640/brand-new-any-tips#post-10154528