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Can someone here tell me how to do all the gabe's routes please? I only managed to find 3 routes so far (true ending, bad ending, commitment ending). and also, does save and load counted as complete the routes?(I noticed it say xxx ending "1/5" every time I save and load to do another routes)

(1 edit)

There's routes? I didn't know choices matters

May I ask how you achieve the commitment route?


there is lol

At the start of the games it quoted some line close like "your actions has consequences, whether who live or die." 

addition to that sometimes in-game when you did something, there's some small line would pop up saying "your actions has consequences"

To get the other 2 routes you have to
1. Deny her advances after the first goblin quest (friends ending)
2. Choose worse options during her whole route, which will give you a different Picnic event where you can get the Friends-with-benefits ending