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Not everyone has Microsoft Excel, is there any other way this game can be played?

Apologies. It can only be played on MS Excel, it was intended to be that way. 

I can take a video of the game if that is okay? 

Thats the only solution we can think of so far then. Please do.

Hello here is a quick gameplay video: 


Here is another one, played by a friend 

(1 edit)

I am very curious about how was this built. Did you use any tool or is this all custom scripting?

I didn't use any external tools, excel allows scripting using macros and VBA.

I made this using that. 

whats your reason for developing in excel seems like a sure fire way to piss people off pisses me off my first thought was "what kinda retard devs in excel?" and im still thinking that

Deleted 182 days ago