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You know I thought it would be interesting to read this but after I checked out the demo and download it was mostly just reading from a diary I don't know I felt off not like Minotaur Hotel which I can't wait to return whenever that does finish up also I want you to know I'm not trying to discourage you or anything I'm just surprised no backgrounds or anything with the demo


Yeah, like we said in the DevLog, Sex Drive is not a standard furry VN and we're trying to play with the format. It's very different, and it allows us to work on a kind of narrative that flows differently.

I hope Sex Drive can grow on you with time, but if not it's OK. We'll have news for our other projects soon.


thank you brother I know that sex drive will be paid compared to Minotaur Hotel being free at least that's what I remember from your first the blog for it but I really do want to give it a shot