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There's much about the profile page that I want to improve on, and admittedly, it was a rushed design and implementation — so I am always surprised when people say they enjoyed it! I hope to continue to add on to it so that it holds up to the standards I envisioned for it! 

The options, however, was a very deliberate design, and was a huge effort, but a worthwhile one nonetheless, because I know there are people like you who will see and appreciate it!

You brought a great idea! I'll likely give the character the option to change the RO's genders at the beginning of each chapter (I sometimes find myself regretting assigning them a certain way, or perhaps imagining fluidly alternating between gender identities!). Awesome!

Thank you so much for all your compliments, and taking the time to read it!! It's the highest honor to hold your attention in the time that you went through the game! :) Much love, Chesrine!